Tuesday, March 2, 2010


So far this week I have done ok without eating too many sweets. I have had a couple of home made cookies, but they were small and relatively healthful(peanut butter oatmeal). My biggest challenge is planning ahead and then being able to eat when I should. I always seem to have something distract me. I am not able to eat many of the foods that I prepare the rest of the family. They are not as carb challenged as I am.

I am seeing a drop in my weight, even though i would like it to be faster. I know that God will help me through this challenge.

We are seeing snow here again in NC. I was hoping that we wouldn't get any more until next year. I am from PA, but am already tired of the snow.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Continuing the Journey

Well, I wanted to post about what I have lost so far since Monday.
I have lost 1.5% of my body weight.
I have had a few extra treats that I shouldn't have had, but over all feel I have done well. I have been walking more, but haven't added my exercise routine in as of yet. I plan to do that next week.

I have been eating healthier- lots of veggies and 1-2 fruits only per day. Since I am over 40, weigh less that 150, and am just over 5 feet tall, I have to monitor my calorie intake and fruits more. When I was pregnant with my youngest, I had gestational diabetes. My main motivation for losing this weight is because if you ever have gestational diabetes, you increase your risk for diabetes later in life. I have several grandparents that have had it and parents who are borderline diabetics. I don't want this to be an issue for me or our children. Many of our children are beginning to eat healthier already. One is vegetarian as well.

My goals for next week will be to continue my lifestyle change and add exercise. Sodas are not an issue for me as we rarely have those, but sweets are a challenge. So I will try to be more careful with those.
I will try to post some pictures as I go.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Getting Started

Well, this is a new journey for me. Blogging that is. I never thought I would do this, but am to help journal many things going on right now.
I have started working on weigh loss. I am following Jorge Cruise's books The 3 Hour Diet and 8 Minutes in the Morning. I haven't started the exercise portion yet, but plan to this next week.
You see, I am a busy mom with 8 children ranging from 2-18. The oldest works and need to be at work early. My husband leaves an hour later for work. Then my day really gets busy with homeschooling the others. My husband and I have been married almost 20 years and I have always taken cares of others first, but now I am trying to get myself back in order.

My goals for my weight loss journey over these next few weeks is:
To lose 30 pounds
Eat healthier options
Get my children to follow in my footsteps.
Add more exercise to my routine.

I believe that in the long run, I will feel less tired and be able to keep up with my very busy 2 year old.
This week I have already lost about 2 pounds and haven't been as strict as I should be. My plan is to be more strict and plan everything out to make it easier.